Cheers, To LinkedIn!

You know, LinkedIn really is quite wonderful.

These past few weeks I have been trying to step up my networking efforts and LinkedIn has helped me be able to get a leg up on my competition. Now when I see a job posting that seems interesting on-line I can just search the company on LinkedIn and see if any of my connections have connections at the desired company.

I have had this happen 2 or 3 times. It’s exciting and adrenaline inducing for me, I feel better knowing that there is someone on the other side who has heard of me and can promote my capabilities to the right people, hopefully helping me to land the job.

I am blessed to have two wonderful mentors from my time at Samford University and they have become my go-to gals for networking in the Birmingham area. All it takes is me shooting them a quick e-mail about a company or any connections and PRESTO they almost always know someone or find someone who does have a connection at that company.

And this is not just my mentors doing this for me, I have had professors recommend me recently because I went and did my research on LinkedIn. I guarantee that taking two minutes to go and search a name of a company on LinkedIn will help you network better and give you a better chance for getting considered, much more than just sending it into the “black hole of death” known more formally as the HR e-mail link. : )

So thanks LinkedIn! You are a tremendous ally in the war on joblessness in America!

AND if you happen to want to check out my LinkedIn page just pop over to the About section!

Hokey Pokey

Don’t you just wish sometimes that there was a Poke button for e-mail?? Just like the poke button on Facebook, the button would allow you to say, “Hey! Look at me!” or “Remember me? Yeah, still here”.

While the Facebook poke is often code for something else (that I will not discuss), the pure intentions of a way to get someone to notice you, without speaking, are still there.

I have found this following inconvenience to be true countless times, that when I e-mail someone and they acknowledge my e-mail and promise to reply at a later date with more details to come but somehow manage to not follow through. What. A. Drag.

You are now forced to do one of two things:

1. Absolutely nothing– Mission NOT accomplished, do not pass Go and collect $200.


2. Give them a virtual “poke”– a friendly yet firm reminder that you do in fact still want to hear back from them at a reasonable point.

The problem is this second choice can lead to a myriad of awkward situations depending on how the other party ended the e-mail. Sometimes coming up with the right “come back” is an exhausting tedious task and makes you feel like literally “the most annoying person on the planet.” (A persons worst nightmare when networking.)

So, what’s a person to do when the e-mail counterpart has fallen through leaving them empty handed and confused? Risking the awkward reply should always be chosen over saying nothing, but wouldn’t it be some much easier if we didn’t have to say anything at all…

All we would need do is simply poke them!

Problem solved, and you’ve barely lifted a “finger” : )

The Thrill of The Hunt

Even though my introverted tendencies make networking seem daunting at times, I have realized that there is a part of this process that is quite exciting and liberating. A crucial step in preparing to network is to compile a list of companies and people you want to reach out to and hopefully gain more names and/or companies in return. The potential to know hundreds of people is there, with just a few degrees of separation. But the more focused your proposal for help and guidance, to the people in your network, the more they will be able to help!

Here’s where the exciting part is (nerd alert): You have the capability and freedom to research any and all companies out there in the great wide open world! Isn’t it wonderful that there is no one to squelch your dreams, no one to dismiss your idea of the perfect company?! For me this has been the most liberating experience (thus far) in the networking process.

Who ever knew that there were SO many companies out there just waiting to be discovered and added to my list of dream employers?! I feel like a kid in a candy store, partially because of the freedom and excitement but also because visiting these marketing boutique websites are like a visual feast for my eyes.

It may be an unusual measure of merit but if I’m not feeling your website there is a good chance I’m not really feeling your company.

Therefore: Visual feast+Interesting creative work= Coveted spot on Erin McGuire’s list of admirable companies

Very mathematical, I know… back to the hunt!